UTA College of Business welcomes newly admitted graduate students
The University of Texas at Arlington held an Admitted Graduate Student event on August 29, 2024.
The event brought recently admitted College of Business graduate students together to introduce them to their respective graduate programs. During the event, the students were able to network with their peers, meet their faculty and staff, and hear from alumni and current graduate students about their experiences.
Rebecca Neilson, University of Texas college of Business Assistant Dean, speaks at a podium during the Admitted Graduate Student event August 29, 2024. (Photo by Jalen Larry)
“One of the things graduate students often miss out on is getting engaged in their community and really becoming part of the College of Business,” said Scott Elbert, UTA College of Business Senior Director of Academic Advising. “This is a great way for them to start off their academic career by getting to know each other and getting to know their faculty and staff. We really want to give them the platform to get to know us better and get to know each other better.”
During the event, a panel of alumni and current graduate students answered various questions about the graduate program experience. From questions about time management to course curriculum, attendees gained a deep understanding of what to expect from their respective programs.
To see this event in motion and hear from our participants and attendees, see our video highlight here!
“This event is very valuable for newly admitted students because it allows them to meet to people currently going through the programs so they can learn about the great opportunities the university has to offer, as well as programs and resources available to them,” said Johanna Hernandez, UTA College of Business Graduate Alumni. “My advice to newly admitted students is to connect with your community. Connect with your colleagues, reach out to your professors, and enjoying a program so you can have a better more enriching college experience.”
A panel of graduate students, Solano Caffarena (Left), Johanna Hernandez (Middle), and Aashish Choudhary (Right), answer questions relating to graduate programs at the Admitted Graduate Student event August 29, 2024. (Photo by Jalen Larry)
The goal of the event was to give recently admitted graduate students a chance to meet their peers and faculty while gaining valuable tips and information about navigating graduate courses and pursuing a graduate degree.
“The student panel gave me a lot of information on what I should be doing through their experiences and what they learned. I also got to know the faculty and got to be introduced to a lot of them, familiar faces go a long way,” said Cade Deborah, recently admitted MBA student. “After tonight I feel a lot more confident about what I need to be doing in my program. Initially, I had an idea about the direction I needed to go, but after hearing the faculty and student panels experiences, its really reinforced those ideas.”
The Admitted Graduate Student event is an annual event, for more information on graduate studies at the UTA College of Business, visit Degrees & Majors - College of Business - The University of Texas at Arlington (uta.edu)