
The Diversity Minor is designed to strengthen students’ understanding of the interactions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, social and economic inequality, disability, aging and religion in defining identity and social relationships. This interdisciplinary program of study focuses on key concepts related to power, identity, difference, and the historical and structural forces that shape power and difference in social relationships. The goal of the minor is to arm students with knowledge, skills, and perspectives essential to civic participation, career development and promoting a just society. The Diversity minor is relevant to careers involving diverse populations such as business, industry, education, social welfare, mental health, and health.

Diversity Studies Minor & Certificate

Why Diversity?

  • Regardless of your career plans, you will work with diverse groups of people.
  • Understanding interactions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, social and economic inequality, disability, aging, and religion are key to successful social relationships in the work-place and your personal life.
  • The Diversity Studies options (Certificate or Minor) are not only aimed at increasing your knowledge and understanding, but you may also tailor your program to your interests and career needs.

Students selecting this minor must:

  • Complete the Diversity Studies Declaration Form;
  • Have a Cumulative 2.5 GPA;
    • A 3-hour designated introductory course, and
    • 15 hours of designated coursework chosen from 5 of 7 diversity content areas (1 course per content area):
      • Racial and Ethnic Relations,
      • Gender,
      • Sexuality,
      • Social and Economic Inequality,
      • Disability,
      • Aging, and
      • Religion
  • Students must earn a C or better in all of their Diversity Studies courses to obtain the minor.
  • Finally, students will have a final assessment at the end of their coursework to assess their learning outcomes.
Diversity Minor Approved Courses

Diversity Studies Certificate

The Diversity Certificate Program (DCP) is an interdisciplinary certificate that provides undergraduate students the opportunity to gain specialized knowledge, values, and skills in racial and ethnic relations, gender and sexuality, and social and economic inequality, to advance themselves as successful employees and leaders in our global world.  The certificate enhances a student’s general education, academic major and/or career preparation.

Students selecting the Diversity Certificate must

  • A 3 credit hour designated introductory course (SOCW 3307), and 
  • 9 credit hours of designated coursework in 3 areas:      
    • Racial and Ethnic relations,
    • Social and Economic Inequality, 
    • Gender, and
    • Sexuality.
    • In order to receive the certificate, students must also graduate with any Bachelor's degree from UTA

  • Finally, students will have a final assessment at the end of their coursework to assess their learning outcomes.

BSW Program Contacts

Darlene Hunter, Ph.D., LMSW
Director of Undergraduate Programs and Associate Professor of Practice

Shermell Osborne
Undergraduate Programs Administrative Assistant
(817) 272-3613