Economics: Scholarships

The application window for Fall 2024 is now open.

There are several exciting scholarship opportunities available for students majoring in economics.

The process is easy! Economic undergraduate and graduate students can apply for an economics department scholarship by simply logging into, creating an account, and using the search term “economics.” From there, simply follow the prompts to provide the necessary information so that we can determine the best scholarship for you if you qualify for one. Please feel free to contact Dr. Aaron Smallwood ( with any questions.

The deadline to apply is 11:59 pm on September 5, 2024.

Award Categories

  • Type A: Full-time BS-Econ or BBA-Econ majors in good academic standing in their junior or senior year that has earned at least a B in ECON 3318 and has an overall GPA of at least 3.5 (non-renewable) (expected award: $250)
  • Type B: Full-time undergraduate BBA-Econ majors in good academic standing with overall GPA equal to or greater than 3.75 (expected award: $150, or, if 4.0, $250)
  • Type C: Full-time undergraduate BS-Econ majors in good academic standing with overall GPA equal to or greater than 3.50 (expected award: $250, or, if 4.0, $500)

  • Type 1: Full-time graduate students in their first semester in the MS-Econ program and in good academic standing (expected award between $500 - $1,000)
  • Type 2: Continuing graduate students (either part-time or full-time) in the MS-Econ program and in good academic standing with a minimum 3.3 GPA; students may receive this scholarship more than once (expected award for full time students: $400 if GPA is 3.3-3.5999; $600 if GPA is 3.6-3.9999; $800 if GPA is 4.0)

Some disclaimers:

Due to Texas state law, the Economics Department is unable to award scholarships to students who are not enrolled in economics degree programs and who do not meet the other qualifications stated above. If you are an undergraduate, check your transcript before applying. If it lists your major as “Economics Intended” then you do not currently qualify for one of these scholarships. See your advisor for details.

All scholarships are competitive and are contingent on the availability of funds and the discretion of the scholarship committee. Dollar amounts shown above are expected but not guaranteed. If any recipient switches their major during the semester they receive an economics department scholarship, then they agree to reimburse the scholarship fund for the total amount awarded. If a student qualifies for two scholarship types, the committee will only give them the largest of the two (one award per student).