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Get MACtive: Travis Boren

Travis Boren


Usage: Approximately 10,000 visitors since opening Sept. 18
Busiest time: Thursday evenings
Most popular smoothie: Soulful Strawberry
Number of workers on an average day: 50-60
Number of lockers: 751



Shirley Rodnitzky

Travis Boren

sophomore finance major

Workout schedule:
Four to five days a week, usually from 8 to 10 p.m.

Do you work out more now that the MAC has opened?
Yes. With the MAC being so nice and new, it makes you want to work out on a regular basis.

What equipment do you use?
I predominantly stick to the free weights, but I use some of the cable machines as well.

When working out, do you listen to music or watch TV?
I listen to music ... got to have the iPod on.

What type?
Usually rock or rap.

Favorite features:
The locker rooms. It's hard to beat a locker room that has plasma screens everywhere you look.

How does this compare to the old facility?
The MAC completely blows it out of the water. The old facility was simply a convenient place to work out after class and had little to bring to the table besides that. The MAC, however, is now the campus hangout.

Describe the MAC in five words or fewer.
Motivating, modern, magnificent, muscle, Maverick.

Travis Boren

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