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Street makeover gives Greek Row a fresh look


boulevard with a tree-lined median is giving Greek Row a fresh look this fall.

University workers and Arlington’s utility contractor began the beautification project in May and have resurfaced the area from Davis Street to Nedderman Drive.

new median on Greek Row

“Greek Row was a city-controlled street, and there were no plans to resurface in the near future,” said Jeff Johnson, UT Arlington’s associate director of facilities management. “We approached the city about turning the street over to the University, and they agreed.”

Once water and sewer lines were upgraded, plans for a 15-foot traffic lane on each side of a landscaped median were put into motion.

“The tree-lined boulevard median will certainly enhance the appearance,” Johnson said. “Having the one-way traffic lanes should slow the traffic and make it safer for pedestrians.”

In a project initiated by the School of Social Work, TXU Energy donated 100 trees to be planted on campus, including Greek Row. Most will go in the ground this fall to avoid the increased risk of summer plantings.

Sprucing up Greek Row has been a University priority for five years. Lighting improvements and raised planting beds highlighted phase one.

“We also recently used plants that were removed from elsewhere on campus to landscape the southwest corner near the P.E. Building along Greek Row,” Johnson said.

— Jim Patterson

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