UTA Magazine
On the spot
Sandy Gravenor

Sandy GravenorWho she is: the mother of Kristin Kyser, a freshman communication major from Johnson City, Texas

Stopped: 9:52 a.m. Aug. 20 in front of Kalpana Chawla Hall during move-in day

What are your impressions of K.C. Hall?
I think it's wonderful. It's great for my daughter to be able to move into a brand new dorm. There's just no comparison between this and my dorm days in the '70s.

Where did you go to college?
I graduated from Southwest Texas, now Texas State, with a bachelor's in journalism/English. I also have a master's in guidance and counseling and a certificate in mid-management.

How do you think K.C. Hall's designation as a living/learning community will benefit your daughter?
The support it provides students is important. Kristin came here knowing no one. It will help her both academically and socially.

What do you hope Kristin learns at college?
First of all, I hope she gets her degree. I also hope she gets the opportunity to meet a lot of new and different people.

What attracted your daughter to UTA?
She grew up in a predominantly white, middle-class community. One reason she wanted to come here was to meet a diverse group of people. She also really liked the campus and the size of the University.

Were you surprised by how much help you received moving Kristin's things into her room?
I didn't expect this many people to be helping. We brought her brother and a friend, and they said, "Why are we here?"

A UTA professor uses nine factors to examine this fall's presidential election (see p. 10). What's your analysis'
I think it's going to be a very close race. I wouldn't be surprised if Kerry wins the popular vote and Bush wins the presidency.

A UTA graduate recently became the first Paralympian inducted into the Olympic Hall of Fame (see p. 18). Have you ever seen wheelchair athletes perform?
I've seen wheelchair basketball. I've noticed that this campus is very wheelchair accessible. I've seen lots of kids with severe disabilities who didn't let the disability stop them from doing what they wanted to do.

— Mark Permenter

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