
Portrait of a UTA Family
The Taylor family's association with UTA and its preceding institutions began in 1911. It continues today through Lloyd Clark and his granddaughter, sophomore Alida Eggen.

Birth of Nations spawned UTA family affair
With the family home on land now occupied by UTA's South 40 parking lot, it's not surprising that seven Nation siblings attended neighboring North Texas Agricultural College in the 1930s and 1940s.


Springing forward
Graduate students lead the way in spring enrollment increase


Graduate students like Ruby Ruperto and her Contemporary Science classmates significantly boosted University enrollment for spring 2001, the fifth consecutive semester of enrollment increases.

overall enrollment up 7.7%

Overall enrollment rose from 18,201 in spring 2000 to 19,599 in spring 2001, a 7.7 percent jump. But it was graduate students who made the biggest impact. In that same period, the number of new graduate students climbed from 585 to 840, a dramatic 43.6 percent increase. Overall graduate enrollment rose from 3,807 to 4,893, up 28.5 percent.

graduate students up 28.5%

In January, Ruperto, who teaches seventh-grade science at Arlington’s Ousley Junior High School, began classes in the College of Science’s new master of arts in interdisciplinary science program. Designed for science teachers, the new degree offers innovative teaching ideas and state-of-the-art technology training.

Distance Education up 102%

“I needed to update my science knowledge and catch up with technology,” she said. “So far, I’m thoroughly impressed with my professors. Plus, UTA has been very accommodating with the class schedule and tuition.”

Programs tailored for nontraditional students and working professionals like Ruperto are credited in large part with the increase in graduate students.

“We’ve added an M.B.A. program for employed professionals,” explained Dana Dunn, vice president for academic affairs. “We’ve also increased the number of niche programs that are responsive to students who have heavy schedules.

“We’re now seeing the results of initiatives we put in place several semesters ago. Our expectation is that we’ll see it build and build over time.”

Jeff Morton enrolled two years ago, but he and other continuing students also play an important part in enrollment—retention.
“We’re working very hard to ensure that students who come into the University are successful and stay,” Dr. Dunn said.

Morton, who’s working on his master’s degree in education, lived in Taiwan for two years and was introduced to the many worldwide opportunities for teachers. After another international adventure studying Spanish in Costa Rica, he returned to the states and enrolled in UTA.

“There were other programs I could have chosen, but here I get an excellent education, it’s close to home, and they’re willing to be flexible about work and scheduling,” he said. “Plus there are more nontraditional students here, like me.”

Additional recruitment and retention efforts, specifically designed to meet the needs of multicultural student groups, are credited with the increase in African-American enrollment, up 17.8 percent, and Hispanic enrollment, up 18.6 percent from a year ago.

And distance education, with enrollment numbers up an impressive 102 percent, also brought new students to UTA this spring, if only in a virtual sense. In this area, like the others, flexibility and convenience played the biggest role.

“Many of our students are trying to balance jobs, family, school and other commitments,” said Pete Smith, assistant vice president and director of distance education. “As time goes on, we’re offering more and more online degrees and courses. This allows students to choose when they take classes and to work school into their busy schedules.”


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