Number 23-01
Description The Student Senate advocates for the implementation of a policy that would encourage students and give them the opportunity and to vote in elections through the use of asynchronous classes on election days.
Authored by Yaseen Tasnif
Sponsored by Yaseen Tasnif
Date Submitted Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Date Considered Tuesday, November 28, 2023
General Body Vote Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Committee Special Affairs
Result In Executive Branch
Whereas All aspects of this resolution shall remain strictly nonpartisan, unaffiliated with any political party, political candidate, or political action committee (PACs), and;
Whereas Texas is known for record low voter turnout and registration, especially amongst voters aged 18-24, Hispanic/Latin American voters, voters with limited English proficiency, and voters without a college degree, and the University of Texas at Arlington has large populations of these, and;
Whereas While voting and voting access is a basic right as a citizen of the United States, early voting is not possible for some students on campus for a variety of reasons, election day being the only option, and;
Whereas Texas voters, including those at the University of Texas at Arlington, have expressed concern about hardships related to voting as a result of the Election Integrity Protection Act of 2021, also known as the Texas Senate Bill No. 1, and;
Whereas According to the U.S. government, election day is the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November, and;
Be It Further Resolved That Faculty shall include a new policy in the syllabus that provides asynchronous or synchronous online classes for students to have the option to vote. As defined by the U.S. Constitution (every even-numbered year on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November) in time blocks deemed appropriate by the university administration.