Number 03-16
Description new chambers
Authored by Aris Freeman
Sponsored by Chris Featherstone
Date Submitted Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Date Considered Tuesday, April 8, 2003
Committee Student Affairs
Result Killed By Committee
Remarks FAILED - The 'open area' mentioned in this resolution is already designated for renovation.
Whereas The space currently occupied by the UTA Copy Center has been closed since Fall 2002; and
Whereas Resolution 01-14, stating that students would like to have a bank on campus, written Fall 2001, was submitted to an on campus committee by the president to review the actual chance of having a bank campus, and with the continued passage of time this idea is not in the future for UTA students; and
Whereas Student Congress meets in the current congress chambers at 6pm Tuesday evenings; and
Whereas Student Congress currently has disabled people on congress and invites all students to attend its meetings; and
Whereas The current access to the chambers for disabled students at its meeting time is through a locked gate and a locked door of another department office; and
Whereas This presents a significant safety risk, and there have been no recent plans for the usage of the area located in the north west corner of the University Center.
Be It Further Resolved That The open area located in the north west corner of the University Center be made into the new student congress chambers for the reason being that it is more accessible and safe for individuals to attend meetings and other events.
Downloadable File Download 03-16LetsDoSomethingWiththeOpenSpace_1627931516.pdf