Resolution 03-13: STOP THE PRESSES!

Number 03-13
Description stop distribution of paper schedules
Authored by Joshua Warren
Sponsored by Jeni Beck
Date Submitted Thursday, February 27, 2003
Date Considered Tuesday, April 8, 2003
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result Implemented
Remarks IMPLEMENTED - The administration will implement this without the resolution.
Whereas During the Spring 2002 semester the University announced they would no longer mail printed grade reports ' a move that they estimated at the time would save approximately $16,000 a year; and
Whereas Cost savings and the fact that other major UT System schools had already taken this step were cited when the decision was made; and
Whereas Each semester the University prints countless paper schedules as well as makes the information available via SAM on the web and on the phone; and
Whereas As soon as the printed schedule is made available it is already out of date and students are already told to check the online schedule for updates; and
Whereas The University of Texas has announced they will not print a summer course schedule and that their last printed course schedule will be the Fall 2003 course schedule; and
Whereas Taking a similar step at UTA would save quite a bit of money and could possibly prevent or at least lessen the need to cut other student services during this budget crunch.
Be It Further Resolved That Effective as soon as possible the University of Texas at Arlington ceases to print and distribute paper-based course schedules.