Resolution 16-22 : ABOLISHUTTLE

Number 16-22
Description Make the shuttle fee voluntary for students
Authored by Adam Harris
Sponsored by Steve Sereno
Date Submitted Monday, August 29, 2016
Date Considered Monday, September 26, 2016
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Committee felt that allowing students to opt out of shuttle fees will take valuable shuttle services away from the student body. Committee further felt that many students on campus use the shuttle services and taking them away would negatively impact the whole campus community
Whereas There are over 35,000 students at UT Arlington; and
Whereas only a percentage utilize the shuttle bus; and
Whereas the University has imposed since 1977, under TEC 54.512, a shuttle bus fee on ALL students; and
Whereas this fee, cited as mandatory, is unfair to the majority of students who do NOT utilize the shuttle bus; and
Whereas this constitutes an unfair tax on the majority of students, who do not utilize the shuttle bus.
Be It Further Resolved That A student body general election be held to discontinue TEC 54.512 in favor of a VOLUNTARY fee chosen at registration.