Resolution 15-15: MYMAV MY WAY

Number 15-15
Description Increasing the amount of MyMav Kiosks available in on-campus buildings.
Authored by Jorge Garcia
Sponsored by Arpit Raorane
Nawal Joulani
Date Submitted Monday, September 14, 2015
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas MyMav kiosks allow students to make payments, access MyMav and access to other features and tools; and
Whereas There are only three buildings in which these kiosks can be located: The University Center, Davis Hall and Wetsel Building; and
Whereas Many students may not visit these buildings as often as other campus buildings and as the student population continues to grow, more convenient locations of these kiosks is desired.
Be It Further Resolved That The University of Texas at Arlington establish more of the MyMav kiosks in other buildings across campus to accommodate the growing student population and areas that receive higher student traffic.