Number 12-17
Description Students are notified via email immediately after a change of the course professor or classroom location.
Authored by Thuy-An Hoang
Sponsored by Hien Vo
Date Submitted Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Implemented - Spring 2014, a personalized email will be sent out to every student.
Whereas Many students choose their classes based on the teaching styles of the professor slated to each course or location of the classroom for each course;
Whereas Often times the professor or classroom location changes during the period of time between registration and the first day of the semester;
Whereas Students are not notified of these changes unless they check their course schedule in MyMav regularly;
Whereas The lack of timely knowledge of these changes could negatively impact a student's success in the course;
Be It Further Resolved That Students are notified via email immediately after a change of the course professor or classroom location.