Resolution 09-21: I'M ACTUALLY TRYING!

Number 09-21
Description Students be required to supply each professor at the beginning of the semester with the number of testing forms equal to that of the number of exams that will be administered throughout the course.
Authored by Bryan Albers
Sponsored by Jamilah James
Date Submitted Monday, September 28, 2009
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Professors should be able to make up their own policies to run their exams.
Whereas Cheating on exams is more visible to the student than the professor; and
Whereas Students have used other students from earlier class sections to obtain specific answers to exams; and
Whereas Students have retained said answers by making notes or inconspicuous markings on testing forms (i.e. scantrons and/or bluebooks) before the exam takes place; and
Whereas Such actions can unfairly advance some students while lessening the honest efforts of those who don't engage in said practices by lowering their overall class standing.
Be It Further Resolved That Students be required to supply each professor at the beginning of the semester with the number of testing forms equal to that of the number of exams that will be administered throughout the course; and
Be It Further Resolved That These testing forms be handed back to students only during a class in which an exam is being administered; and
Be It Further Resolved That Each professor put their own unique marking, stamp, or initialing on each testing form before the administering of exams to assure that materials handed back at the conclusion of each test are not exchanged with any forms brought into class by a student; and
Be It Further Resolved That Professors distribute at least two versions of each exam during testing periods.