Number 06-04
Description color printers in Central Library and Ransom Hall
Authored by Collins Watson
Sponsored by Zach Walker
Date Submitted Monday, March 13, 2006
Date Considered Wednesday, November 22, 2006
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks IMPLEMENTED. President Spaniolo supported this resolution and asked Suzanne Montague (VP of OIT) to expedite. Color printers, available to students 24 hours per day, were added in Ransom Hall and on the ground flour of the Central Library before the end of the semester.
Whereas The Digital Media Studio in the basement of the Central Library provides students with access to high quality color printing; and
Whereas This is a popular and well used service to students; and
Whereas This printer is occasionally out of order, causing distress to students who were planning on printing in color; and
Whereas With the new printing policy, students pay 10' per page for black and white prints and 20' per page for color prints.
Be It Further Resolved That UT Arlington provide additional color printers in Ransom Hall and the Central Library.