Number 04-03
Description allow off-campus food orders for organizations
Authored by Felicia Decker
Sponsored by Sandy Neal
Date Submitted Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Date Considered Tuesday, April 13, 2004
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks FAILED - Memo from John Hall dated August 25, 2004 provides several reasons as to why this will not work - mainly the contract between the university and ARAMARK.
Whereas Student Organizations will draw more students if food is offered at their events; and
Whereas Student Organizations operate on a limited budget; and
Whereas Organizations do not feel that they can afford most items offered through the UTA food service, and find the food waiver process cumbersome; and
Whereas Students are becoming increasingly nutrition conscious; and
Whereas Students are bored with the food offered at most meetings of campus organizations (usually pizza).
Be It Further Resolved That Campus organizations be allowed to dispense with the policy in which they must order food through the current food service on campus (including the food waiver system) for two (2) meetings per semester.