Number 91-18
Description Changes to Engineering Constituency Council bylaws
Authored by John Dubay
Chris Petrick
Steve Horstman
Sponsored by Linda Moffatt
Brian Chase
Date Submitted Tuesday, April 2, 1991
Date Considered Tuesday, April 2, 1991
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Rules and Appropriations
Result n/a
Whereas The present bylaws are not organized and worded well; and
Whereas By present bylaws, limited at large membership prevents the ECC from having unlimited active membership; and
Whereas The present bylaws do not have enough rules for voting members at large; and
Whereas The present bylaws do not provide a means by which the ECC can create an endowment fund that will serve as a source of funds for student organizations with lack of finances to get a project started; and
Whereas The present bylaws constrain the ECC to specific activities and do not provide a means by which it can stimulate student organization involvement and special projects; and
Whereas The amendments have been voted on and passed by ECC executive committee and members at large, and endorsed by the Dean of Engineering and the Associate Dean of Engineering. The present bylaws do not provide a means by which the ECC can create and manage a seperate account from SSFAC funds to hold income and profits from special projects enacted by the ECC.
Be It Further Resolved That The attached bylaws, approved December 4, 1990, serve as the new bylaws of Engineering Constituency Council; and
Be It Further Resolved That All financial activity or action taken by the ECC according to the new bylaws will be subject to the policies imposed by the University of Texas atr Arlington.