Number 91-12
Description Condemn budget cuts
Authored by Brian Chase
Sponsored by John Smith
Date Submitted Tuesday, March 12, 1991
Date Considered Tuesday, March 12, 1991
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas A one (1) percent cut of all state agencies, including state-supported institutions of higher education, was instituted a few weeks ago; and
Whereas This 1% cut resulted in an estimated $700,000 loss to UTA; and
Whereas Article 3 of the House Bill 10 in the Texas Legislature, the 1991-93 appropriations bill, endorses cuts in higher education up to 14%, with an average cut of 9%, which would result in multi-million dollar budgect decrease for UTA and other Texas colleges and universities; and
Whereas Higher education should, because of its fundamental role in our society, be a priority to Texas legislators.
Be It Further Resolved That Student Congress, the official representative body for UTA's 25,000 member student community, condemns the actions proposed in Article 3 of H.B. 10 and any additional budget cuts that may be proposed in the future; and
Be It Further Resolved That This resolution be routed to state legislators to officially register our views on this proposal.