Resolution 92-16: PARKING REFERENDUM

Number 92-16
Description Freshman use remote parking only before 3 PM
Authored by Clayton Starkweather
Sponsored by Chris Durham
Date Submitted Tuesday, April 21, 1992
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks No further information is available about this resolution.
Whereas The various proposed parking solutions have escalated Student Congress politics and emotions to a heightened level; and
Whereas The Freshmen parking requirement legislation has led to considerable debate and frustrated political maneuvering; and
Whereas After the passage of 92-02, Parking Solution, debate continues as to whether or not this measure was a fair representation of students; and
Whereas Such debate could be resolved by referendum.
Be It Further Resolved That Student Congress hereby places the following referendum on the Spring 1992 ballot: "Do you favor, as a partial solution to campus parking problems, requiring zero credit hour freshmen to utilize Remote Parking weekdays before 3:00 p.m. for a school year, unless they use faculty, apartment, or residence hall parking? _____YES _____NO