Number 93-21
Description Drop-rate percentage of each class must be analyzed to determine how many extra students could be admitted into a class to foster goodwill between faculty and students
Authored by Allan Saxe
Derrick Kinney
Sponsored by Glen Oliver
Date Submitted Tuesday, April 20, 1993
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks FAILED - No further information is available about this resolution.
Whereas There has been a recent uprising of students requesting that more classes be offered; and
Whereas Many students are forced to postpone graduation due to class shortages; and
Whereas A percentage of students drop their classes each semester, thereby freeing up classroom space not able to be filled since Add/Drop has ended.
Be It Further Resolved That All deans be encouraged to open up and expand as many current classes as possible; and
Be It Further Resolved That The drop-rate percentage of each class be analyzed to determine how many extra students could be admitted into a class, realizing that some will drop the course; and
Be It Further Resolved That This will foster goodwill between the UTA faculty and the students.