Number 94-24
Description Representation for graduate students within congress
Authored by Angela Orr
Sponsored by Amy Jeffreys
Date Submitted Monday, September 12, 1994
Date Considered Thursday, September 22, 1994
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks FAILED - Committee felt this was not necessary as graduate students are already represented in Student Congress.
Whereas Many graduate students are unaware that they too can take part in Student Government; and
Whereas Undergraduates and Graduates tend to see issues in different ways; and
Whereas Graduate student's views are as important to the University as are Undergraduate's.
Be It Further Resolved That A graduate category be added to each college's allotted representation; and
Be It Further Resolved That That the number of graduate students be in apportionment with the number of graduate students in each college.