Resolution 01-01: CHECK PLEASE!

Number 01-01
Description Bursars' direct deposit
Authored by Brandy Cox
Sponsored by Sharon Smith
Date Submitted Tuesday, January 9, 2001
Date Considered Tuesday, April 17, 2001
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks IMPLEMENTED - Amended that UTA increase student awareness of the following fund disbursement option: the school can direct deposit money to a student banking account if the Bursars office has the account information.
Whereas Many Students change addresses often; and
Whereas Many students rely on the promptness of financial aid disbursements; and
Whereas The current system mandates that a mail-only system of check disbursement be utilized.
Be It Further Resolved That That UTA offer the following options for fund disbursement: direct deposit, personal pick-up at Bursars Office and the current mailing method.