USB Drives & Associated Security Risks
In the event of a lost or stolen device, please report the incident and any relevant information both to the Information Security Office at, as well as to the UTA Police Department either via email at or through their non-emergency phone number at (817) 272-3381. All lost or stolen devices must be reported to both of these departments. All lost or stolen devices containing confidential University information must be reported to the Information Security Office.
USB drives, also known as thumb-drives, are a very common tool used by many to store and transport files from one system to another. The fact that they are small and readily available makes them especially appealing to attackers. It also makes them very easy to lose or misplace, leaving the information vulnerable to anyone who finds the device.
Attackers can use USB drives to infect other computers with malware. Attackers have also been known to attack other electronic devices including USB drives during their production, meaning that the device is already infected with the malware even before it is ever purchased.
If attackers can physically access your computer, they can insert a USB drive into your computer and download your files.
There are steps you can take to protect the data on your USB drive and on any computer that you might plug the drive into: