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Speeding up computers through cache access

Song Jiang

Song Jiang knows the importance of a cache in computer memory systems. Now, the computer science associate professor is exploring how these hardware components can be improved by allowing direct access to programmers."

"With memory becoming more expansive, we need to involve programmers to make it more efficient."

Efficient use of a software-defined cache allows quick access to data along with large memory," explains Dr. Jiang. "With memory becoming more expansive, we need to involve programmers to make it more efficient. The programmer knows best how to use the cache for an application, so they can add efficiency without making the cache a burden."

Every time a computer accesses its memory, it must go through the index of all the data stored there. But each task slows the machine and negates any gains that a large memory provides. In contrast, a software-defined cache allows the computer to automatically combine or skip steps to access the data without having to go through the index, making the process much faster.

Jiang has developed prototypes that he will test to determine if they can run applications efficiently even with very large data sets on large memories.

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