To finalize the campus electrical feeder upgrade project, Oncor has requested an electrical outage for 10-10:45 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 14.
The buildings affected by the outage are Arlington Hall, CAPPA (Architecture), Chemistry & Physics, College of Business, College Hall, Earth & Environmental Sciences (Geoscience), Engineering Lab, Fine Arts, Nanofab, Nedderman Hall, and Woolf Hall.
For those buildings equipped with emergency generators, the generators will be operational for fire and life safety equipment, limited building lighting, elevators, and any existing research equipment currently connected to the generators.
It is recommended you save any computer work/data in progress during this timeframe to prevent any possible data loss. Also, to prevent any possible damage, we recommend you turn off all electronic equipment including computers, scanners, and copiers. These devices do not need to be unplugged from their electrical outlets.
Additional outages are planned during Spring Break, March 15-20. These electrical improvements, which include equipment upgrades and feeder replacements, are being designed to reduce the risks of unplanned outages due to the possible failure of aging equipment.
Contact either Toby Buhrkuhl at 972-832-1490 or Jeff Johnson at 817-798-8456 with questions or concerns.