Ahead of the spring 2021 semester, our priority remains keeping our Maverick community safe, and we’re grateful for your partnership in this endeavor.
Before you return to campus in a few weeks, we ask that you continue to take precautions against the spread of COVID-19. We believe this approach—in conjunction with daily self-monitoring, wearing masks, and social distancing—will help us minimize the spread. The goal is twofold: to ensure you stay healthy and to protect other Mavericks from illness.
We understand that everyone has a different living situation or employment status, so please follow this guidance in a manner that makes sense for your life while considering the impact of your actions on other Mavericks.
Please also continue to monitor your symptoms daily. COVID-19 symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, or fever. If you are experiencing any of those symptoms, you should contact your primary health care provider or UTA Health Services.
These are stressful times, and it’s OK, even encouraged, for you to ask for help. As a Community that Cares, UTA makes available to students a number of resources that you should consider accessing. Remember, social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation. Reach out to us, your family, and your friends to manage your stress and ease your worry.
Let’s show our Maverick spirit and make smart choices in the coming weeks to keep one another safe and healthy, and to help you move closer to the degree that your hard work has placed within reach.