Environmental Health and Safety
Otu Inyang
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EH&S is responsible for developing, implementing and administering the following health and safety programs for the University:
- Biological Safety
- Fire & Life Safety
- Chemical Safety & Hazardous Waste Management
- Research and Laboratory Safety
- Indoor Air Quality
- Occupational & Construction Safety
- Radiation & Laser Safety
- Stormwater Management
- Vehicle Safety/Authorization to drive UTA vehicles
- Workers' Compensation
Mission Statement: We exist to TrailBLAZE health, safety, and environmental protection so that UTA can become one of the nation’s most impactful and inclusive research universities.
Vision Statement: We aspire to be the leader in health, safety and environmental protection programs and services at pre-eminent urban public research universities.
Shared Values:
• Excellence in customer service
• Cultivate professionalism
• Enhance team collaboration through trust
• Proactively establish accountability
EH&S Strategic Plan 2023-2027
EH&S Department Services Brochure
EH&S Training
A comprehensive resource for all EH&S training courses.
EH&S Procedures
Keep informed of the current Procedures. Related Resources are listed at the bottom of each page that will give even more information on this topic.
EH&S Forms
All EH&S forms located in this department forms library.
Injury/Illness Reporting Form for Students and Visitors
Campus Safety Plan
Safety is the responsibility of everyone in our campus community. EH&S has developed this Safety Manual to assist us in achieving our safety goals through knowledge of prudent safety practices.
University Emergency Procedures
Be prepared! Become familiar with what steps to follow BEFORE an emergency strikes.

News and Announcements
Information for the UT Arlington Community about Measles Outbreak
Maintaining an Accurate Chemical Inventory
Access to Restricted Laboratories Form
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