CAPPA Dominates the Staydium 2.0 Competition

Monday, Jul 26, 2021

Congratulations to Vincent Tiburcio, Juan Hernandez, Xavier Zhapan, and Kristal Camilo-Saucedo for their outstanding accomplishments in the Staydium 2.0 Competition. Vincent Tiburcio and Juan Hernandez won with their Evergreen Park design that emphasizes a sustainable, efficient, and innovative infrastructure. The design used a square module that provides an opportunity for growth and change all while reducing the building’s overall carbon footprint. In addition, their design is capable of transitioning into a community once the stadium is decommissioned for other purposes. Xavier Zhapan and Kristal Camilo-Saucedo won the Editor’s Choice Award with their Cultural Incubator Stadium, which provides a space for small businesses to grow and contribute to the neighborhood economy. The image on the left is the Evergreen Park design and the image on the right is the Cultural Incubator Stadium design.


The Staydium 2.0 Competition recognized the growing significance of stadiums as large-scale venues to host major sports events, which requires a substantial investment of public money, creates massive challenges in developing communities, and layers expensive maintenance costs. Overall, these structures become a liability for the host until they are either demolished to reuse the land or abandoned to avoid demolition costs, but both decisions require additional resources from the public. Therefore, the Staydium 2.0 competition emphasizes the issue of stadium infrastructures losing their importance after concluded events and occupying generous areas of public land with costly expenses. The competition challenged students to shape future stadiums with useful designs for the coming ages and discover the unrealized potential of new stadium designs.

Additional CAPPA students entered the Staydium 2.0 Competition and were recognized for their success to the second round of review. The following teams were shortlisted after the second round:

  • Nicky Nguyen and Man Lam (AKA Violet) for their entry Tour De Stade
  • Andrew Swan and Lanre Sadiq for their entry Sanctuary
  • Sharron Clark for her entry Soaring Thru Subterrestrial
  • Jacqueline Nguyen and Colton Benge for their entry Garden Fields
  • Jeriel Wadjas and Andrea Diaz for their entry Des Moines Cultural Node
  • Julio Quiroz and Ureil Granados for their entry Hillside

Congratulations to all the students for their innovative designs and hard work in the Staydium 2.0 Competition. Special thanks to Thomas Rusher, Senior Lecturer for School of Architecture, for encouraging and teaching this group of talented ARCH 4557 students.