Center for Addiction and Recovery Studies (CARS)


Provides researched, evidenced-based, trauma informed services in prevention, intervention, and recovery support services; trains social work interns to be equipped in providing exceptional services; and adds to addiction and recovery practice knowledge through collaborative research.

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CARS has a full-time PhD Research Associate and facilitates faculty research not only on current programs, but for community collaborations. CARS also tracks current trends in mental health, substance use, and evidence-based interventions.

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Provides training for professionals and students interns.


Professional training is offered in-person or virtual. Agencies can request on-site training on specific topics for a fee.  Training can be individualized for agency needs.

Internships Available For:

CARS offers internships with the SSW Field education office for Bachelor of Social Work major, Bachelor of Science in Substance Use & Treatment major, Master of Social Work Foundation and Advanced students.

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Community Service & Programs

Providing researched, evidenced-based, trauma informed services in prevention, intervention and recovery support services through the programs offered to the community free of charge that address disparities and social service needs.


Contact Us

Want to learn more about CARS research and services? Contact us today for more resources and scheduling!