
In keeping with the University of Texas at Arlington mission to advance knowledge and pursue excellence, the Writing Center partners with academic writers at all levels to explore and develop their ideas, to become aware of the needs of their readers, and to learn the rhetorical and syntactical strategies necessary for effective written communication across disciplines and across communities. We collaborate with faculty to ensure that we remain current on the techniques, skills, and strategies students learn in the classroom in order to facilitate assignment comprehension, expectations, and objectives. As critical thinking, reading, and writing skills are important for all majors and all disciplines, the Writing Center engages and participates in the most cutting edge composition and writing scholarship, including assessment and shifting demands from a variety of writing cultures in higher education. We draw on our expertise to become a trusted and reliable campus resource for the diverse community we serve and to partner with faculty, administrators, and other UT-Arlington community members through classroom instructional support.

The Writing Center offers a welcoming and supportive environment for students and faculty who seek assistance on a wide variety of academic and scholarly writing assignments and needs. We encourage and motivate academic writers of all levels. We strive to provide the highest quality assistance to academic writers as they work to achieve their goals and fulfill their potentials both in and outside of the classroom. Our first objective is to support academic writers on the project in hand, but always with the goal of elevating the general quality of both their writing process and their written communication skills. Clear and concise writing often follows clear and concise thinking, and we are here to help academic writers develop logical, clear, and concise patterns of thinking. We strategize with writers to development better writing practices that promote the intellectual growth and communication skills of undergraduate, graduate, and faculty writers.

Core Functions: We accomplish our mission through free one-on-one tutoring sessions, specialized in-class and general center workshops, all with highly trained, competent writing consultants.

Specifically, we:

  • Assist scholarly writing across the spectrum of writing talents and needs
  • Help clients develop their ability to critically evaluate their own writing and ideas
  • Offer scholarly writers focused, extended, and personalized tutoring (in 30- or 60-minute sessions) in an effort to increase their chances of becoming successful—defined by completion, improved grades, or publications
  • Collaborate with faculty on discipline-specific classroom workshops for undergraduate and graduate courses
  • Offer discipline-specific writing workshop series on core writing assignments
  • Provide writing support to faculty for publications
  • Assist academic programs, units, and student learning groups in integrating university resources to improve academic and scholarly writing
  • Facilitate graduate writing cohorts
  • Address grammar, punctuation, style, and citation concerns during 20-minute Quick Hits appointments designed to help writers learn specific grammatical and syntactical rules, and to identify and reduce errors

Please look through our site to learn more about the Writing Center at UT-Arlington. If you have any questions, please contact us at UTA-WCI@uta.edu.

A Division of the Department of English, Sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts

Session Info

Please Read! Important Information Concerning Online and Face-to-Face Sessions

  • Students can make either 30- or 60-minute session appointments. If you only have a question or two, please choose a 30-minute appointment. Students can make up to three appointments per week.
  • If you’ve never been to the Writing Center before, you will need to register with us here: https://uta.mywconline.com/register.php. Once you’re registered with us, you can then log in to our WC Online system and schedule your own appointments.
  • Our consultants at the Writing Center work with students through all stages of the writing processes: invention, writing, and, most importantly, the revision process. However, we are not editors! We will point out grammar and sentence-level issues and show you how to revise them on your own, and we’ll also point you to additional writing resources.
  • When scheduling either a face-to-face or online appointment, please provide us with as much information as you can about your writing assignment and your concerns. · Be sure to download the attached file: Instructions for Starting Your Online Appointment. This document will walk you through accessing your appointment.
  • To begin an online session, log back into the scheduler at uta.mywconline.com approximately 5-10 minutes before the start of appointment (CST), open the appointment, and click “Start or Join Online Consultation.” From there follow the instructions for uploading your paper and using the chat features.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Working through a writing assignment draft in an online session tends to take more time than in a face-to-face session. Unless you have only one or two questions, it is unlikely that we will get through an entire essay in a single online session. However, for the given length of your appointment, the writing consultant will work with you at the beginning of the session to establish an agenda that will help address your writing concerns along with the demands/requirements of the writing assignment. We encourage you to make additional appointments with your consultant to continue where you left off in the session.
  • Also, please remember that you can revisit any online sessions you've had at any time by returning to WC Online and logging back into your appointment. The text of your session will be there for you to reference during your revision process.
  • Schedule follow-up appointments soon after your session ends! The closer we get to the end of the semester, the sessions will get more difficult to schedule due to student demand.