PPE Requirements for Wind Players

Spring 2021

All wind players in concert ensembles, chamber groups, small ensembles, and classes where wind instruments are played are required to obtain and use the following equipment. Consider these PPE items as course requirements for all relevant classes and ensembles.


All instruments with spit valves must bring an absorbent, sanitary pad to capture condensation. Using a puppy pad that is stored in a sealable container (ziplock bag or Tupperware container) is the recommended method. You cannot use ordinary cloth. We will have puppy pads for purchase in cash for $1.


Everyone must wear a mask at all times, even when playing. You should use a specially-made mask with a sewn-in overlapped opening in which to insert your mouthpiece. We do not want you to use a disposable surgical-type mask with a slit cut into it unless a mask with overlap interferes with the operation of your reed. You may be able to purchase your marching band overlap mask--contact Dr. Evans.


All brass, except tubas, must use a bell cover. You may be able to purchase your marching band bell cover--contact Dr. Evans.


The requirement for full-cover instrument bags is no longer in place. The latest studies now show that a bell cover is sufficient, with the use of masks by all players. NOTE: if you purchased an instrument bag with your own money, we can help you financially with the purchase of a bell cover if needed.


Flute players may use a standard mask that will be lowered when playing along with a "wind-defender" and flute sock. You also have the option to use a mask specifically made to have room for you to insert the head joint.


You should have the required items in your possession no later than the start of classes in January. Do not wait to order! In many cases, delivery time is 4-6 weeks! Contact Dr. Stotter if you have any questions or concerns.

Dr. Douglas Stotter, D.M.A. University of Iowa

Department of Music

Professor, Director of Bands, Winds/Percussion Area Coordinator

Area: Conducting, Bands, Winds/Percussion

Douglas Stotter

Email: dstotter@uta.edu

Office: FA 237

Bio: Dr. Douglas Stotter is Director of Bands, Professor of Music and Coordinator of the Wind/Percussion Area in the UTA Music Department. He conducts the Wind Symphony and teaches undergraduate and graduate conducting and wind literature courses while overseeing all aspects of the band program. He is active as conductor, clinician and adjudicator throughout the United States and most recently in China, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. Prior to his appointment at UTA, Dr. Stotter served for seven years as Assistant Director of Bands at Indiana University, where he conducted the Concert and Symphonic Bands and taught advanced undergraduate and graduate instrumental conducting courses in the IU School of Music. Previously, Dr. Stotter was Director of Bands and head of instrumental music education at Valdosta State University, where he conducted the Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, and Marching Band and taught courses in conducting, marching band techniques and secondary instrumental methods. Dr. Stotter has also served as Director of Bands at the University of Missouri-Rolla, Doane College in Nebraska and at Galesburg (Illinois) High School. Dr. Stotter's textbook, Methods and Materials for Conducting, was published in 2006 by GIA Publications and is now in use at numerous universities across the country. His other publications include contributions to the text Teaching Music Through Performance in Band (Volumes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12), as well as research into the history of Edwin Franko Goldman and the Goldman Band published in the Journal of Band Research. His arrangement for concert band of songs by Ralph Vaughn Williams, Three Dorset Songs, was published in 2003 by Daehn Music and performed in 2004 at the Midwest Clinic. His latest arrangement, a setting of Percy Grainger's Sussex Mummer's Christmas Carol, was published in 2006 by Daehn Music. Dr. Stotter also served for 9 years as Editor of the College Band Directors National Association Report. Dr. Stotter received Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music education from The University of Michigan and the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in conducting from The University of Iowa. He is a member of the Conductors Guild, the Music Educators National Conference, the National Band Association, the Texas Bandmasters Association, the Texas Music Educators Association and is an active member of the College Band Directors National Association, serving on the National Executive Board as treasurer and President-Elect of the Southwest Division. He is an honorary member of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma chapters at Indiana University, the University of Missouri-Rolla, Valdosta State University and the University of Michigan.

Dr. Chris Evans, D.M.A. University of Oklahoma

Department of Music

Associate Professor of Instruction, Associate Director of Bands, Director of the Maverick Marching Band

Area: Winds and Percussion

Chris Evans Headshot

Email: christopher.evans@uta.edu

Office: FA 314

Bio: Dr. Chris Evans is the Associate Director of Bands and Director of the Maverick Marching Band at UTA. In addition to the marching band, Dr. Evans teaches the Symphonic Winds, Symphonic Band, Marching Band Techniques, and Instrumental Methods and Materials. Previously, Dr. Evans was the Associate Director of Bands at Flower Mound High School. While at Flower Mound, he primarily taught the Concert Band and the JV marching band while assisting with all other aspects of the program. Dr. Evans also served as Assistant Director of Bands at Juan Seguin High School and was a graduate assistant at the University of Oklahoma. While at OU he assisted with the concert ensembles, the Pride of Oklahoma marching band, and conducted the women’s basketball band for 2 years. Before graduate school, he taught middle school in Georgia for three years. Dr. Evans, a native of Birmingham, Alabama earned his Bachelors of Music Education from Auburn University. He earned his Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees in Instrumental Conducting from the University of Oklahoma. His professional associations include the Texas Music Educators Association, Kappa Kappa Psi, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (honorary), and Tau Beta Sigma (honorary).