UTA Calculus Bowl

When: Friday, February 28th, 2025
Check-in starts at 11AM | Event starts at 12:30PM

Where: University Hall (UH) 108

**Register for Parking**

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What is it: A lively playoff game based on multiple-choice pre-calculus and calculus questions displayed one-at-a-time via a computer projection system.

Who Attends: Everyone is welcome to attend and cheer on the teams. Show your support! Feel free to be creative and have fun showing your team spirit by wearing unique outfits. Top two teams who we find to be the most creative will get an award!

Who Participates: Students in high school calculus classes are welcome. Teams must consist of at least three, but no more than five, players. One player must be designated as the team captain. The instructor/sponsor should register online by going to the UTA Calculus Bowl Registration Form. There is no registration fee. Additional instructions about the event will be emailed to the instructor/sponsor after registration has been confirmed.

Rules and Game Play Info:

  • Graphing/Scientific calculators are not allowed. Basic simple-function (+, -, /, *, %) calculators for use during the competition will be provided to each team captain at the beginning of the competition. See Picture here.
  • Responses to questions may be made only via pressing the LCD Clicker buttons. No voice responses are allowed.
  • Each team is allowed only one response per question. Thus, once a response is made, it cannot be changed.
  • After a question is presented, each team has 60 seconds to respond. Responses made after 60 seconds will not be recorded.
  • Information on the elapsed time, and on how many teams have responded by that time, will be available on the problem-viewing screen.
  • The responses of the teams already responding will NOT be available during the 60-second question period.
  • For each question, after 60 seconds (or after all teams have responded) the responses will be displayed. The correct answer will be announced and the scores will be updated automatically by the computer system.
  • The wireless clicker system records the responses in the order in which they are made.
  • The following speed scoring system is used at the competition:
    • Teams responding with the correct answer are awarded points inversely proportional to the time it took them to respond, out of a maximum of 10 points. For example, a team that responds with the correct answer at exactly 15 seconds after a problem is displayed will be awarded (3/4)*10=7.5 points.
    • Teams responding with an incorrect answer will lose points inversely proportional to the time it took them to respond, out of a maximum of 3 points. For example, a team that responds with an incorrect answer at exactly 15 seconds after a problem is displayed will lose (3/4)*3=2.25 points.
    • Teams not responding to a question will receive no points.

Prizes: The top three winning teams, along with their schools, will be awarded medals and trophies. All high school participants will receive a free UTA Calculus Bowl T-shirt along with other items.

For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact the Calculus Bowl team at CalculusBowl@uta.edu.

UTA 23rd Annual Calculus Bowl

Count-Down for Event

A lively playoff game based on multiple-choice pre-calculus and calculus questions displayed one-at-a-time via a computer projection system.