Welcome to the Department of English

At UTA, we think creatively about what English can be.

Who Are We?

Listen to some of our faculty talk about our programs and our focus on our students.


Book Swap, April 10

The 2025 edition of our annual book swap will take place on Thursday, April 10 from 10 AM to 2 PM. As before, it will be held under Carlisle Hall on the east-facing deck. Come by to chat and check out the selection of books!

Email Gyde Martin

English Graduate Student Conference, March 28

The 2025 EGSA Conference is being held on Friday, March 28 in the Chemistry & Physics Building, room 303, from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. The theme of this year's conference is "Networks of Power and Agency." Join us for lively discussion and academic engagement! See the flyer for the event here.


Email Katherine Brizendine
FA22 English Student Ambassadors

Meet Our Ambassadors

Meet our ambassadors who focus on providing more leadership opportunities for English majors and more!

Recent News


By teaching students to read closely, analyze carefully, and communicate effectively, the Department of English prepares students to succeed in a global economy and to participate in a global democracy.

Today’s rapid pace of technological development calls for workers who are nimble and responsive to change, those who have the curiosity and know-how to acquire new skills. At the same time, a functioning, stable globalized society relies on citizens who possess linguistic facility and historical understanding—and who are able to draw on those skills in order to confront some of the most vexing challenges of the twenty-first century with rigor and imagination.

In the Department of English, we focus on both the analysis and the production of texts in order to develop writers for the twenty-first century, imaginative thinkers who can compose in numerous multimedia formats in order to communicate effectively to a variety of audiences.

Students in our classes learn to read closely and carefully, to write persuasively, intelligently, and with clarity. They learn to plan projects, work in teams, complete research, and meet deadlines. Finally, they practice listening well and looking hard so that they might understand another person’s perspective, whether across a gulf of centuries or across a border. Such “soft skills” deepen our understanding of what it means to be a human, connected to other humans, from the classical period to the present.

We welcome you to our website, where you can explore our wide range of courses in literature, rhetoric, composition, creative writing, technical and professional communication, and literary, cultural, and digital media theory.

The Bylaws for the Department of English can be found here.


We greatly appreciate the gifts of UTA English friends and alumni. Your contributions help to support student success, allow departmental programs to grow, and aid in the professional development of our faculty and graduate students.