UTA Health Careers Institute Banner

The Health Careers Institute strives to ensure that our professional healthcare programs provide our participants with the skills to start or advance their career in the growing healthcare industry. A majority of the Health Career programs can be completed in six months or less and may require a background check and drug screen. A high school diploma (or equivalent) is required for all programs with exception of CNA and CPR. Immunization must be provided prior to the start of class.

Information Sessions

HCI hosts Information Sessions every Wednesday on alternating mornings and afternoons. Program requirements, courses, and tuition are covered.

Call (817) 272-2581 for upcoming times and to register, or click here to register online.

Additional Information

Have questions or don't see what you're looking for? Call (817) 272-0387 or email

Stay In Touch

Immunization Requirements

The following immunizations are required for all HCI programs, except Medical Coding and Billing and Veterinary Assistant.
1. Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test - if positive, then a negative chest x-ray is required.
2. Tdap - Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis - required every 10 years.
3. Hepatitis B - 3 series
4. MMR - Measles, Mumps and Rubella - 2 series
5. Varicella - 2 series, required if no history of Chickenpox
6. History of Chickenpox? - no Varicella required; provide Chickenpox documentation
7. Flu Shot - required September thru March yearly.

*Veterinary Assistant: TB Skin Test and Tdap.
**Medical Coding and Billing/Medical Administrative Assistant: NO immunizations required.
