College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs
601 W. Nedderman Drive
Suite 203
Arlington, TX 76019-0108
Learn more about the IUS and how to contribute by contacting Wanna Smith, Coordinator at (817) 272-2801
The Institute of Urban Studies (IUS) is the oldest academic urban research center in the State of Texas. Originally established in 1967 by an act of the Texas Legislature, the Institute’s early ambitions were to engage in systematic applied urban research and jumpstart an urban education effort at Arlington State College.
With millions of Texans moving into urbanized metro regions, the need for an Institute that would provide strategic guidance to localities and educate future public service leaders was compelling and clear but the obstacles were great. Which is why we’re proud that with the support of the Texas legislature, the University of Texas system, and our community partners, the IUS has spent over five decades following through with each and every one of its stated goals.
Today, the Institute remains critical to the strength and vitality of local communities and the state as a whole.
As large metro regions, growing rural communities, and historically underserved populations remain significantly impacted by the pressures of urbanization, these constituencies are the central focus of the IUS mission to promote regional advancement, resilience, and education.
Through partnerships with the Institute, these communities can access modestly-priced technical assistance, trainings, and applied urban research efforts that maximize government and nonprofit efficiency, accountability, and effectiveness.
For over fifty years, communities and community organizations across Texas, many with limited funding available for discretionary services, have benefitted from access to technical assistance at modest cost through IUS.
Millions of dollars in local and state economic and community development funds
Thousands of individuals trained via IUS-initiated master’s and doctoral degree programs
Hundreds of Institute research alumni
Dozens of state and federal project proposals and research endeavors
The Institute contributes to the growing capacity of the State of Texas through its research and technical assistance efforts in seven primary topic areas:
Director, Institute of Urban Studies
Assistant Professor
Public Affairs and Planning
Office: 219A
Landscape Architecture
Office: Dean's Suite
Coordinator II, Special Programs (IUS)
College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs
601 W. Nedderman Drive
Suite 203
Arlington, TX 76019-0108